Here are some messages of condolences that we have received from our readers (If you wish, you can send us your message at this address:
The Sunday New York Times
carried the sad news of the death of one of the great statesmen of this brief century,
Prince Giorgio of Seborga.
During his lengthy, elected tenure, Prince Giorgio set an example
of leadership that others should emulate.
He accepted no salary, he never invaded another country, never taxed his subjects,
and, according to the Times ”He took to the throne with panache, wearing sash,
sword and large rosette medallions as he held court at the Bianca Azurra bar.”
What other prince, prime minister, president, pope or potentate,
living or dead, has ever been described with such dignity.
Here in Spokane, Washington (sometimes referred to as Spokanistan
because of the rutted and pot-holed roads, falling into disrepair
thanks to our nation’s empire building in various Middle Eastern countries)
patrons of the Blue Spark bar will gather tonight
to drink Mimosas in fond memory of His Tremendousness.
The prince may be gone, but long live the principality.
Long Live Seborga!
Thomas P. Keefe, Esquire
To Authority of Principality Seborga.
With deep grief we have apprehended a sad message about death of
His Tremendousness Giorgio I, the Prince of the Principality of Seborga.
Death His Highness Prince Giorgio I is huge loss for Principality of Seborga,
citizens of the Principality Seborga, the European Monarchy,
but also to all people who known and respected His Tremendousness Giorgio I.
It pains us to have to say it. Has left the world the person
who has made many kind of chivalrous and illustrious deeds for the World of Nobles,
New Small State, New and Old Monarchy, The cause of Peace - it is his life-work.
He was the careful person, the close friend and true comrade,
the fine manager and the wise monarch.
The heart hotly loving the God, the citizens and people close to Him, has stopped.
Have stopped his heart, but undying bright light of its heart,
will always shine to us road to the future.
This light will remind us of His kind affairs for the blessing of people living on this planet. Nowadays its Soul stays before the God.
We shall pray, that Lord has accepted His Tremendousness Giorgio I under the wing
and has protected from all hardship. L
et memory of this remarkable person for ever remains in our hearts.
HRH Grand Duke of Pinsk, Eugene I, (Eugene De Rass)
Your excellencies,
I am saddened to hear of the passing of Prince Giorgio
and pass my condolences onto his family and his nation.
There is nothing I can say that will soften the pain of his absence,
but know that he will live forever in the pages of history.
He was an inspiration to me and to many others like me.
May he rest in peace.
I have decreed that Nov. 25th become a national holiday within Vikesland in his honor.
It will be known as Prince Giorgio day from henceforth.
My deepest sympathies of mine and my nations goes out to you.
Giorgio we shall miss you.
Prince Christopher I
Principality of Vikesland
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time topluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a timeto build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
The Kingdom of Jirmania is in mourning for His Majesty Prince Giorgio I of Seborga.
We would like to express our deepest sympathies for your loss.
On behalf of the Kingdom,
King Peter I. of Jirmania
Wir trauern um Prince Giorgio I von Seborga.
"Wir sind vom gleichen Stoff,
aus dem die Träume sind
und unser kurzes Leben ist eingebettet
in einen langen Schlaf."
William Shakespeare
Möge seine Vision weiter leben.
Matthias Schetat / Deutschland
Greetings and Peace Be Unto You from the Great Republic of Zandrovia,
On behalf of myself and the people of Zandrovia
I would like to offer our heartfelt condolances
for the passing of your Prince to both his family and the people of Seborga.
Lady Alekzandria,
Sovereign of The Socialist Republic of Zandrovia
+++My family and I want to express our deep sorrow I hear the News of the passing of Prince Giorgio I
he is been Image and Legend to the people of Principality of Seboga,
his charm and beauty of his City and his belowed people will be always in our memory, Legend live Forever,
Your Sincerely
H.E. Dragan Serdar
Ambassador for Barony of Caux
Wellington, New Zealand
Ma famille se joint à moi pour vous exprimer
toute notre peine à la nouvelle
de la disparition du Prince Gorgio 1er Carbone le 25 Novembre dernier...
Cette homme a consacré sa vie et ses finances
à faire progresser l'image de Seborga dans le monde
et a fait preuve de courage et d'une grande dignité
dans la maladie débilitante qui le terrassait depuis plus de deux ans...
Nous ne lui devons le respect et l'admiration.
Longue Vie à la Principauté et à ses habitants
afin qu'ils conservent le charme de leur cité
et qu'elle ne tombe pas dans les mains de gens mal intentionnés....
My family and I want to express our deep sorrow
at the news of the passing of Prince Giorgio 1er Carbon on November 25, 2009.
We liked him and this man gave his life and soul even his money
to give a beautiful Image to Seborga to the whole world
and showed great courage and dignity
in his fight against a deadly disease during more than 2 years.
We should respect his memory and we should admire him
for his vision and generosity.
Long Life to the Principality and her dear citizens,
and we hope they preserved the charm and beauty of their city
and they avoid it fells in dirty hands or people with a wrong and devious agenda,
Yours sincerely,
Comte Alexandre de Bothuri Bàthory
Citizen of Seborga from the bottom of my heart
Stowe, Vermont, 05672